alarmgv12's Staff Application

  1. 6 years ago

    In Game Name: alarmgv12

    Age: 17

    Time Zone: GMT+2

    I can keep my cool, even when someone goes too far, I don't lash out or go crazy, I always try to settle
    my differences in a calm and civil manner. I am always happy to help other people that are in need of help whether it's advice and information or blocks and items to get started. I have also built a trustworthy reputation on this server over the time
    I played here.

    I tend to have a lot more ideas and thoughts than I have time and energy to realize them and therefore I have
    a hard time setting my priorities straight. Sometimes I don't finish projects that I started or take a lot more
    time than necessary to finish them, whether it's in real life or on CraftyMynes

    Why you are Applying:
    I'm applying for staff because I want to help the server stay the amazing environment that offered me so many
    friendships and fun-times, the same environment that helped me grow as a person and as a player during the time
    I played on here, I want to help other people get the same enjoyable experience I had by keeping the chat clean and answering questions people might have about the server.
    I think that I am finally ready to join the staff team and start helping out :D .

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks):
    3.8Mil on this map and above 40Mil on the 1.12 map

    Thanks for taking the time to read this,


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