Samuelrox17's staff application

  1. 8 years ago

    In game name: Samuelrox17


    Time zone: Australia

    Strengths: good builder deal with mean comments

    Weaknesses: surviving

    I would love to be a staff as I greatly appreciate all the staff at craftymynes and I love the server

    Total ticks: 2592109

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    There's 2 things wrong with your application, the first is it lacks any sort of substance. It tells us nothing about you and doesnt show any sort of effort on your part to show you actually wish to be staff.

    The second is that I saw your selfie in the selfie thread and i'm gonna go out on a limb and say you arent 19 is there any reason you'd lie on your application or is it just coincidental that you removed that post a few mins after making this application?


  3. Edited 8 years ago by samuelrox17

    Nysic I have one question. Is there a age requirement to be staff

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    Yes there is, we generally don't make younger people staff due to bad past experiences.

  5. Maybe 13

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