Lost my stuff :(

  1. 6 years ago

    Idk if anyone picked it up. It’s been at least 2 weeks. I was at an acacia village next to a player made stone brick highway. Ik it was somewhere within teleport range. The village was large and had an iron golem. Like the moron I am, I tried to kill the iron golem. It rekt my face. I didn’t have anything too valuable, but there were two items I would like back. I had a turtle shell enchanted with Aqua Affinity and respiration 3, as well as a diamond pic with silk touch, efficiency 4 I think, and unbreaking 3. I’m also willing to throw in some diamonds to get those back. If u aren’t willing to part with my stuff, please at least pm me. I’d like to know that it went to good use.

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