First Grinder since reset

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by BluePlauge

    After about 30 deaths can finally say my skeleton grinder is functional.


  2. Edited 8 years ago by MisterReco

    Looks great, doubt it's the first, but you spent time and effort on making it decorated, and that is perfect

  3. @Jordi223b Looks great, doubt it's the first, but you spent time and effort on making it decorated, and that is perfect

    I think he meant his first not the first

  4. @Rybye I think he meant his first not the first

    Oh, if that is the case, then I take back what I said :P

  5. @Rybye I think he meant his first not the first

    correct I should have specified more clearly, my first since the server was set to 1.11. I have built many before. First time I had to worry about mob crushing though.

  6. hi

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