Last active 7 years ago
So the only one I need atm are the ones for the internet. Because if I have those running I can just update the rest while online.
So if anyone cares or even vaguely remembers me, I haven't been on in a while. Any who, I'm having some issues with installing the up to date device drivers for my new pc build. I don't have internet access and the other device I use to download files onto a USB and transfer isn't helping. Having issues. If you could help that'd be great.
@CodyJProductions 4 years, 44329 days, 13 hours, 34530 minutes and 1314567924115432 seconds
and a half
and three quarters
me me big boy
(4 years 44 329 days 13 hours 34 530 minutes) + (1 314 567 924 115 432 seconds) =
41 657 159 years
Sorry to make a whole post about it but couldn't find a relative thread already about it.
I need one God Pickaxe, EFF 5, UNB 3, MEN, FOR 3.
If anyone can supply in the next 24 hours I'll pay above price. Max 30 D.
@Abbasilol May the Davy Jones locker be with ya ! :D
Lmao what??? Bye Ghost, nice knowing you for the time I did. See you.
Just incase I miss you while online, I'd like to place an order for a god set of armour, as well as a god sword.
-Thank you, regards.
I'd like to place an order for a Pickaxe. Fortune 3 please, regards.
I need god armor, (Mending, Prot 4, Unb 3, Respiration 3 Helm, Aqua Affinity Helm and blah blah blah). Don't have the energy to waste on saying exactly what's on it because I don't want to write it up. The purpose of this post being to find someone to sell it to me. Anyone?
O shit lmao idk when ill be able to catch you Hax