
Last active 3 years ago

  1. 3 years ago
    Thu Mar 11 01:23:27 2021
    MrStupendous started the conversation Ealdwine_Drasax Ban Appeal.

    Title of the thread: (your In Game Name here)'s Ban Appeal

    In Game Name: Ealdwine_Drasax

    Reason for your ban: According to this, I have been banned due to having a VPN.

    Why should you be unbanned: I do not have a VPN. I have never purchased nor do I own a VPN. I have been banned randomly for no reason again. I do not own a VPN and I got pinged again for it.
    Okay, So I have found out that my Fiance has upgraded our account with your security group that included a VPN for free. I did not know this at the time and explains the servers dissatisfaction with my internet connection. I do apologize and I want to express my apologies in regards to this. I did not know this information and I have removed the VPN abilities from my wifi system to the best of my knowledge (looking on google to remove it)

  2. Wed Mar 10 06:36:00 2021
    MrStupendous started the conversation Ealdwine_Drasax Ban Appeal.

    Title of the thread: (your In Game Name here)'s Ban Appeal

    In Game Name: Ealdwine_Drasax

    Reason for your ban: According to this, I have been banned due to having a VPN.

    Why should you be unbanned: I do not have a VPN. I have never purchased nor do I own a VPN. I am at a loss and I have followed the rules of the server for 2 years or more. Been off and on but never broke the rules.

  3. Tue Mar 9 17:53:05 2021
    MrStupendous started the conversation BONES & ARROWS.

    I am currently Selling Arrows and Bones!
    1 Stack of Bones or Arrows 1 Diamond!
    Do you need to defend your home? Tired of using your own hand? Try using arrows instead! They are easier and you don't have to get so close!

  4. Sun Mar 7 00:46:05 2021
    MrStupendous started the conversation Wanting Slime .

    I am looking for some slime. Don't have much but willing to work something out

  5. 8 years ago
    Wed Dec 14 04:12:46 2016
    MrStupendous started the conversation Campaign For The Server.

    I think the server needs a little something, people always talk about wanting to go exploring. Well I was thinking, what if we were to design a set of buildings, castles, bunkers, whatever all holding a story that I person can accomplish. I think it would be really cool. Plus it would just add to the servers appeal. What do you guys think? Do you have any ideas? Comment below.

  6. Fri Dec 9 05:54:09 2016
    MrStupendous posted in Ealdwine's General Goods. .

    Good catch. with the dye. lol I like General Goods. Its not that flashy.

  7. Fri Dec 9 05:38:29 2016
    MrStupendous started the conversation Ealdwine's General Goods. .

    What we are selling:
    Wood Stacks: Oak, Spruce.
    Clay: Dark Hardened (Limited Supply)
    Dies: (Please contact if interested)
    Food: (Please Contact if interested)
    other general supplies: Iron, redstone, coal.
    We offer the best prices around. So come one and message us!!!

  8. Thu Dec 8 19:42:06 2016
    MrStupendous posted in Buying Slime.

    @panda1024 If you are interested.

  9. Thu Dec 8 19:39:56 2016
    MrStupendous posted in Buying Slime.

    I will be selling 4 slime balls for 1 iron. 2 slime blocks for 1 diamond.

  10. Sat Dec 3 16:51:27 2016
    MrStupendous posted in So, A New Beginning.

    I was kidding. lol Not that Violent

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