
Last active 3 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Dec 3 07:12:51 2016
    MrStupendous posted in Shulker Boxes..

    In the topic of your economy conversation, I would like to put my 2 cents in (A fun econ joke)
    The market is patient and should not cry like some infant in the face of issues or displeasure. Shulker Boxes are a needed and sought after piece of tech on the server. The market should be free and allow for the natural backstabbing between competitors. This generates growth in our server economy and allows growth for the server across the web. So this madness is pointless plus this is just a video game.... which brings me to the next question. Why am I making such a statement about economics and basic information at that about this games economy..... I just trolled myself.

  2. Sat Dec 3 06:46:37 2016
    MrStupendous posted in Lore books..

    I know My position. I will be the lovely Rumpelstiltskin of the server.

  3. Sat Dec 3 06:40:58 2016
    MrStupendous posted in CAW!.

    You know, the Raven group from Bioshock had style.... Maybe go on that route? Just not the racist nor anti Lincoln stuff. I could totally back you up if you had that disappear in a cloud of ravens. It would be quite cool. lol Mod anyone??

  4. Sat Dec 3 06:36:23 2016
    MrStupendous started the conversation WHY EVEN HAVE THE HIDDEN?.

    Why do we allow people to hide their identity on this thing? We keep having "Hackers" that attack and jack up all the fun stuff that we have set up. Anyone ever think it's those people?? Just saying..... Last place I was on someone attacked the tp system. Wanted to go to the nether and ended up in the biggest mess in the middle of a Mesa and I died. Just saying I don't want to face that situation on this server. I like this server. I like my house and collection of the flora and fauna and most of your heads that I buy on the black market. lol

  5. Sat Dec 3 06:29:04 2016
    MrStupendous posted in So, A New Beginning.

    Thank you. I was going for a subtle but vigorous threat. Imagine classy but absolutely BA!!!

  6. Sat Dec 3 06:22:51 2016
    MrStupendous posted in So, A New Beginning.

    Thought I would stir the pot for the heck of it. lol

  7. Sat Dec 3 06:15:24 2016
    MrStupendous started the conversation So, A New Beginning.

    After the reset I face a number of challenges. My new home is quite lovely. I wish for a simpler life on the server. I plan on stealing all your crap... Killing all of your livestock, and bringing abaddon to your pitiful lives..... ONE of you destroyed my ARK!!!! Now I shall make all of you pay.

    A fellow CraftyMyner

  8. Tue Nov 29 21:13:39 2016
    MrStupendous posted in You as an item..

    I would be redstone.

  9. Tue Nov 29 01:59:37 2016
    MrStupendous posted in Team Eye, Victorious..

    I am not impressed

  10. Sat Nov 26 03:12:41 2016
    MrStupendous posted in An Important Announcement....

    my minecraft is only coming up offline. I want to play online. lol

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