
Last active last year

  1. 7 years ago
    Sat Aug 12 20:48:51 2017
    JimRazor posted in PSA to PVP Loggers.

    hmmm log on from an alt and go to the place you log off and make sure you won't die?... Or i miss anything?

  2. Thu Aug 10 08:57:48 2017
    JimRazor posted in Overhaul the Wishing Fountain.

    You could make crafty credits be able to transform to something like enchanted blaze rods (The way you made the magic meat) and people could throw the rods in and only them could be accepted so people don't throw trash. It could possibly be like a lottery with credits and the winner gets the credits people have thrown in (all the blaze rods) and transfer them to their credit balance. If you think about it the winner could get easily an elytra by giving just 1 credit.

  3. Thu Jun 29 21:28:23 2017
    JimRazor started the conversation Klarinogampros's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: Klarinogampros

    Reason for your ban: Disrespecting/Disobeying

    Why should you be unbanned: Ok to begin with I think I broke a record maybe on ban appeals...? My last and first appeal was a week ago. I won't use any excuses we all know what happened when Venetorem told me and some other ppl to stop a discussion I disobeyed and didn't stop but I don't think I said something to disrespect him. I always talk to staff with respect and make jokes that have nothing to do with them and you can confirm that with logs. I think that disrespect was found on my message were Vene said "remember when I told you to stop 1 minute ago" and I answer "Look how fast minutes pass" (sry Venetorem I didn't mean to disrespect). Generally the problem with me is that I am a joker and sometimes I say stuff that I should think twice before I send them ( in the previous ban jokes were the actual reason too). I don't have another reason to get unbanned I just want to play to this server and apologize for my behaviour. I'll accept all the charges. Again Venetorem I am sorry I didn't mean to disrespect you.

  4. Sat Jun 17 14:41:38 2017
    JimRazor started the conversation Klarinogampros's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: Klarinogampros

    Reason for your ban: Chat Violation (Sexual References)

    Why should you be unbanned:
    I just made a joke about villagers that eat carrots and then breed, it wasn't that bad. Besides console warned me to watch my language and I got surprised because I didn't remember a rule saying something about sexual references but only for sexual identity and preferences. When the console warned me I went afk to see again the rules and when I came back I saw that I got banned. Isn't there a warning first or a kick and then a ban?... I got banned at once and what I said wasn't so bad to get me banned. I like this server and it's a stupid thing for me not to be able to play again just because I mentioned a damn medicine.
    http://imgur.com/b3vJk8O (That's a screenshot I got from my console because I couldn't find an other way to screenshot the discussion when I got banned) I went to re-read the chat rules when I said "That medicine was a bad word?". Staff that was in the server didn't get in trouble to send me a message reminding me this rule or kicking me with a warning but they just insta-ban.
    After all I read the rules thoroughly and I won't make any mistake again.

  5. Sat Jun 17 14:21:07 2017
    JimRazor joined the forum.