

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Fri Jun 10 00:38:36 2016
    Blackened_Dawn changed z1o31o1's group to Suspended.
  2. Thu May 26 10:46:09 2016
    z1o31o1 posted in Strange screenshots.

    I it teleports you down when you hit them gnome

  3. Thu May 26 01:54:41 2016

    wow dude my name isn't even on there, I thought we were friends bro

  4. Wed May 25 13:33:02 2016
    z1o31o1 posted in Counting to 250.

    135 argon is a fork, and also a knive

    fuck idk

  5. Wed May 25 05:20:25 2016
    z1o31o1 posted in Angel_Girl_524.

    A friendly reminder to listen to her and do what she says because she's "special"? And I was not pointlessly running around the arena, me and blue were waiting for people to come pvp us so we could get gear. And honestly chips, I don't even think you know what is going on. I would bet money you are just Angel's little friend and you don't want her to get punished for her wrongs.

  6. Wed May 25 05:06:34 2016
    z1o31o1 posted in Angel_Girl_524.

    It was honestly needed. She was being rude to me, in my opinion, by telling me I have to listen to her and do what she says, even though she is not staff, and then telling me to stop spawnkilling someone, because I killed him three times in self defense.

  7. Wed May 25 04:54:33 2016
    z1o31o1 posted in Angel_Girl_524.

    yes I did use the word "retarded" not knowing it was against the rules because it says nowhere in them that it is not appropriate for global chat, and I did not use it again after nysic warned me. And no, I did not stop killing him because I was distracted, I stopped killing him so as to not create spam. And I would also like to see evidence of me "breaking lots of rules with no staff on"

  8. Wed May 25 04:08:42 2016
    z1o31o1 started the conversation Angel_Girl_524.

    Hello, I was recently false reported by Angel_Girl_524, and wish for this player to be punished.

    Basically, what happened was BlueSnoww and I were chilling in the arena, when migo_something comes in and hits us. Seeing as he is hitting me, I defend my self and kill him. This happens twice more in the span of about a minute and a half, when Angel Girl tells me to stop spam killing. I tell her I am just defending myself (which i was) and I thought everything was fine. Then migo comes back, and following Angel's advice I did not kill, or attempt to kill him, but BlueSnoww did. After Blue killed him, Angel reports unjustly, and says "there" in chat. This is honestly very stupid, because I did what I was told and stopped killing him, and still got reported anyway.


  9. Wed May 25 01:45:31 2016
    z1o31o1 started the conversation <3 post requested by afritz9500.


  10. Sun May 8 02:59:55 2016
    z1o31o1 posted in PVP TOURNAMENT (V2).

    wtf lol. I am in no way associated with team eye

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