133.7, Call the cops when you see Tupaaaac
Grab the cops when you see Tupaac
133.7, Call the cops when you see Tupaaaac
Grab the cops when you see Tupaac
134 tsu is a dork
135 give me some chives
135 argon is a fork, and also a knive
fuck idk
136 how about we stick to counting and not to assuming shit :^)
137, uh I don't know a good rhyme
dont rattle me bones
138.. plz no hate <3
(i made this in photoshop a few days ago)
140 thats terrifying
141 no u
142 I think I lost my shoe :(:(
143 impossible, fish have no shoes
kid living inside pumpkin?!?! reporters baffled
145. Why? Cause caw.
146 danny called me terrifying
gl finding another water clearer ;P
147 come on, you know you love my water hell hole
148 wtf is happening XD ?
149 *notes to never visit danny* jk lol