
Last active 4 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Aug 13 05:26:51 2016
    CraftyMyner changed notcho_cheese's group to .
  2. Thu Aug 11 04:33:54 2016
    notcho_cheese posted in The Raven's Nest!.

    awesome build!

  3. Thu Aug 11 02:45:23 2016
    notcho_cheese started the conversation notcho_cheese's Staff Application.

    In Game Name: notcho_cheese

    Age: 23

    Time Zone: Pacific (US)

    Strengths: Dedicated, Loyal, Outgoing(most of the time), When tasked with something I will do everything to the best of my ability to complete said task, I enjoy helping others, Very Friendly(unless people need otherwise), Lots of free time!(my military contract is coming to an end on the 18th of September)

    Weaknesses: Introverted(sometimes); Not the best builder(due to poor imagination) but if you give me blueprints of what needs to be done, consider it done.

    Why you are Applying: I really enjoy this server in every single way and I would thoroughly enjoy participating in bigger and better things here on CraftyMynes.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 13,400,000 (Updated 8/20/2016)

    Custom Note (optional): The military has taught me to be stern with rules and regulations so I think that background would be good for a staff position. I am used to working my way up the ranks and doing what it takes to get up there. If you need to contact me, the best way is through my e-mail: removed by Nysic

    Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my application!

  4. Thu Aug 11 02:21:36 2016
    notcho_cheese joined the forum.