
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Feb 5 00:07:22 2018
    Ham_Radio posted in Contest for my base.

    Enter me in!

  2. 8 years ago
    Tue Feb 21 16:36:11 2017
    Ham_Radio posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    I've been out travelling, so here is a selfie from my travels...


    Props to who can guess which mountain that is!

  3. Sun Dec 11 04:47:04 2016
    Ham_Radio posted in Welcome new admin!.

    go to bed doge

  4. Sat Nov 26 04:06:51 2016
    Ham_Radio posted in Enjoying The End.

    I think my minecraft body just wanted to hug the ground of this map one last time. Or lay down and cry.

    after being killed so many times in the pvp arena

  5. Sat Nov 19 19:42:45 2016
    Ham_Radio posted in The future of Spawn Eggs.

    Having given some thought to the significant of a map reset, I would like to play the devil's advocate here for a second.

    First off, let us not get caught up and underestimate the significance of a map reset. Rebuilding spawn, for example- and all the command blocks, I don't know how easily- if at all possible- we can transpose the spawn to a new map using a new seed. The effort that went into spawn and the server we have is always appreciated, and of course significantly improves the popularity and smoothness (at least in terms of interacting with others!) of the server.

    Yet, even if that could easily be done, what about the attrition due to a map reset? We've done it before (and I was on hiatus during that time, so I don't know how it went over), but I would not feel comfortable with a map resent unless a significant (imho 2/3rds or ideally 3/4ths+) number of players were in favor in a poll.

    Lastly, the issue of wealth- and this is moreso the Spawn Egg issue. I don't know the stats, I would be very surprised if VIP+ didn't foot most of the server bill. Do I think a select few individuals having spawners for shulkers is fair? No. But if Spawn Eggs are a major attraction for VIP+ subscribers, what if we remove the incentive for those who pay a major chunk of our bill?
    In fact, I'm not at all opposed to VIP+ members having more wealth than others in-server because of their status (there are limits though). Given my position as a college student, I can't afford VIP+ on its recurring basis, but I do think they are entitled to more than I am. I'd be happy if they got some kind of replacement instead of spawn eggs (perhaps even, they get the egg, but just cannot put in a spawner), such as a shulker box every CraftyCrate, and other resources and armor to make their projects easier.
    I don't think it'll be fair that only a few VIP+ members will have shulker spawners while other VIP+ members, in the future, won't. We cannot bluntly remove overall incentive unless most VIP+ users accept it.

    Now I will say, for the second point, owing to attrition, what about doing the "legacy" thing again but on a shortened basis. I feel, if we had a legacy server of this, those who were hell bent on their bases and projects (assuming many people but not a majority felt strongly against a map reset) could work on them, but I feel those who remain on legacy would gradually lose interest and want to join the new server with time. I wouldn't be surprised if the last time we did a map reset nearly everyone switched within a month (and then, the server can be terminated).

    Also, the map reset does allow for many more resources, from the mesa gold to the mansions, to a renewed End. And I would truly love the reset with so many new opportunities, and the rebalance of the economy (particularly in regard to shells). I think it is imperative that VIP+ members have an upper hand in the economy, but it must be fair among VIP+ members and any person who decides to become VIP+ in the future, such as myself when I graduate.

  6. Sat Nov 19 19:01:45 2016
    Ham_Radio joined the forum.