

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Tue Jun 20 15:07:58 2017
    r4iscool1 changed MrCelsius's group to Suspended.
  2. Tue Jun 20 14:58:19 2017
    MrCelsius started the conversation Reply to my ban appeal being denied.

    Nysic denied my ban appeal because he said I was not only spamming FitMC raid in chat, but "trying to crash the server." This is hilariously wrong, as all I did was connect to the server because FitMC was on at that time. I did nothing to effect the server's well being besides being online. If it's against the rules to connect to the server, I demand you ban anyone who plays here, in fact, to prevent this, shut down the server so that nobody can crash it by committing the high crime of LOGGING IN!

  3. Tue Jun 20 00:20:37 2017
    MrCelsius started the conversation Ban appeal.

    I was banned quite a long time ago. Way back when FitMC did server crashing live streams. I was permanently banned for "Fit spammer." This was several months ago and I no longer even like FitMC. The only reason I spammed was because he was my favorite youtuber at the time, and he said "Spam chat with FitMC raid," so that's what I did. If I am unbanned, I promise to not spam again.

  4. Tue Jun 20 00:16:16 2017
    MrCelsius joined the forum.