Last active 7 years ago
Nysic denied my ban appeal because he said I was not only spamming FitMC raid in chat, but "trying to crash the server." This is hilariously wrong, as all I did was connect to the server because FitMC was on at that time. I did nothing to effect the server's well being besides being online. If it's against the rules to connect to the server, I demand you ban anyone who plays here, in fact, to prevent this, shut down the server so that nobody can crash it by committing the high crime of LOGGING IN!
I was banned quite a long time ago. Way back when FitMC did server crashing live streams. I was permanently banned for "Fit spammer." This was several months ago and I no longer even like FitMC. The only reason I spammed was because he was my favorite youtuber at the time, and he said "Spam chat with FitMC raid," so that's what I did. If I am unbanned, I promise to not spam again.