Last active 4 months ago
Merry Christmas to my Harvestar, Craftmynes, Friends and Family!
Great to here from you
LMAO it would be nice to inject some new drama and excitement into the old place.
@iwarriiori NerdNation has come back for revenge, we need to unite and defeat them!
Is this true? The parrot has returned?
best of luck to you
What pack are you running to get those mob faces?? Lol i want it, lol
If i dosen't instruct others could you explain what exploit/thing they are doing? as in a rough overview. like a exploit in script allows easy location or lighting allows location . i am just curious so i can protect myself . this sounds intense i have been offline nearly 12 days plus so apparently i missed a lot.
I was recently online and BRAVO to Crafty its been much better! Clearly Crafty is on the right track.
I want the server to continue with game play as near to vanilla as possible. I am open to whatever achieves this goal. I feel the server is dying due to massive mobs and lag. chunks load slow also.. If we can add a few things to fix this while maintaining the Vanilla feel I am on board.
@FieryPhoenix64 But he wasnt hacking though, it was just lauguage. Many people have been unbanned after being banned for language and disrespecing staff
so i cant compliment the staff for taking a chance on a repeat offender? way to be negative. I was trying to be upbeat and supportive jeez .lol
its fine i know but i am trying to be more positive these day its been a rough 2 years for me and finally things are improving so i wanted to pay it forward.