Last active 6 years ago
@MistakeMade #3 conflicts with #10
Sharp obviously has a lack of self confidence so he lifts himself up on the forums for a minecraft server. He does so in an attemp to "trigger" people and to get them to argue the validity of what he claims or to reply seemingly angry at the way he treats players and the way he boasts in order to make himself feel powerful.
Those do not conflict with one another. Being mature does not mean that you can't be smart. And it is a general statement that is not directed toward everyone, but mostly toward players like yourself.
He also did not specify who "you" is when he said that they were smarter. You could be overhearing a conversation that is between other people. So number 10 is 100% truth.
@MistakeMade What is a God Shield?
A shield with mending and unbreaking 3
@TomTom900 who won?
Crafty won both the diamond and the emerald, and @Naidae won the gold if I remember correctly
@MaggiAusDaKann nobody buys godsets or anything like this they have all god gear.... or they make it with there own hand!
That is true for players like me who get xp to repair their gear and don't die, although a lot of players do lose their gear by either dying or it breaks. Although I don't see why this needs to be said. Also, after a good pvp battle, the durability of your gear can be almost depleted.
@Dennari43 I haven't noticed, or rather didn't care, if the texture packs were ever changed. That's kind of a nit-picky thing to be bothered by imo. If they were in fact changed every episode, I could see where it would get confusing, especially binge watching or if items look extremely different from pack to pack, but changing every once in a while should be fine. However, I don't think you need to use vanilla-like resource packs. I know of 2 great series by 2 different youtubers that were in sphax and they did extremely well.
The texture packs change the way that the whole game looks. If you still don't think that it's a big deal, just exaggerate it and imagine that every block had the same texture as dirt. It's best to just stick to 1 or 2 that look similar.
@Retrochewy A day before the reset have crafty give us all creative mode :P
@MistakeMade @Sirchristopher10 I'm hoping the senate will reverse it. The US has more freedom than any other country fyi.
Except for the freedom of internet
I predict that this will fail, just as Pizza Guild has. I suggest that you do not put too many words into this next time, because some players do not want to read that much. It's not very much to begin with, but most people are just lazy.