Net Neutrality

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  2. 7 years ago
    Deleted 7 years ago by Compos
  3. But what will happen to the server? Do we have to pay per month? Do we have to watch ads?

  4. @humfrydog We Americans need this also. greedy corporations and there minions are pushing to take away our net neutrality so they can charge us more for less. its crap and it should be considered a public utility along with be governed by free speech. twitter, google and youtube are all censoring what we see based on their personal politcis ad views, But we are supposed to be the land of the free and brave with freedom of speech and news without censorship or propaganda.

    Claps , best thing i seen on this thread you are dead on sir .

  5. @EnderConstructor Think that problem only affects North America or whatnot, Not the entire world anyways, thats what i've heard atleast

    @OtherGreenGamer It's only a problem in the USA as far as I know.

    It will have repercussions all around the globe, there are thousands of foreign countries that have their servers based in the US, and if this bullshit passes, we all will be affected.
    “As far as I know”

  6. Edited 7 years ago by WBlaine

    I am not the most informed with how internet traffic works, but I kind of fail to see how this would effect a minecraft server. The ISP's would be able to slow down the rates for consumers from various sources of content, but I don't think they would flat out slow down internet speeds or else their coverage would no longer be competitive (edit: of course, with the exception being areas where there is only one ISP). They would throttle speeds for content providers that have content that competes with their own content ( i.e. Video streaming services) and content they dont approve of (e.g. Controversial content). Maybe I am missing a part of the picture, but, I just don't see why they would target a minecraft server. And, before people assume otherwise, I by no means support the repeal of net neutrality.

  7. @WBlaine I am not the most informed with how internet traffic works, but I kind of fail to see how this would effect a minecraft server. The ISP's would be able to slow down the rates for consumers from various sources of content, but I don't think they would flat out slow down internet speeds or else their coverage would no longer be competitive (edit: of course, with the exception being areas where there is only one ISP). They would throttle speeds for content providers that have content that competes with their own content ( i.e. Video streaming services) and content they dont approve of (e.g. Controversial content). Maybe I am missing a part of the picture, but, I just don't see why they would target a minecraft server. And, before people assume otherwise, I by no means support the repeal of net neutrality.

    Microsoft owns mojang, and it might cost for them to create servers. So any minecraft server would have to pay to mojang or Microsoft so Microsoft can pay the ISP for the servers...

  8. But unless the ISP's have a stake in video games, they have no interest in video games. Also, mojang and Microsoft have nothing to do with hosting servers (other than realms). From my understanding, once they provide the JAR, microsoft and mojang have nothing to do with the interaction between the hosting server and the ISP.

  9. @WBlaine But unless the ISP's have a stake in video games, they have no interest in video games. Also, mojang and Microsoft have nothing to do with hosting servers (other than realms). From my understanding, once they provide the JAR, microsoft and mojang have nothing to do with the interaction between the hosting server and the ISP.

    The ISP is intrested in all internet service. They want to restrict all internet access, doesn't matter if it's for games or a video service.

    The other thing about Mojang's connection to servers is true, but when they update, they have to send that update to all servers. Maybe the server gets a ad on saying [Would you like to update to 1.13? (Pay 10$)].

    Even if that didn't happen to servers. Players might have to pay to keep up with the updates, making the server more empty for those that can't or don't want to pay in order to update.

  10. @MisterChris717 The ISP is intrested in all internet service. They want to restrict all internet access, doesn't matter if it's for games or a video service.

    I don't think you can just make blanket statements like that. If they are looking for a profit, they won't restrict all services because they can. It gets fuzzy it areas where there is one ISP and, therefore, no competition. Then, I guess, they can do what they want with the rates and not invest in infrastructure and increasing absolute internet speed.

    And I don't think the extortion of saying "Would you like to update to 1.13? (Pay 10$)" would happen. They can throttle Mojang's speed, which may just mean a slower downloads of Mojang's content, which is only relevant on those few occasions you need an update. It would be Mojang's decision to pay the ISP for faster speed and then charge the consumer to compensate for those expenses. I don't think occassional slow updates would cause Mojang to make such a decision that would further harm their business. But, again, the ISP doesn't have a strong incentive to throttle Mojang.

    I am open to accepting that the repeal of net neutrality would effect minecraft servers, but I don't find these arguments very compelling.

  11. I don't wanna be American anymore xD

  12. @Sirchristopher10 I'm hoping the senate will reverse it. The US has more freedom than any other country fyi.

  13. @MistakeMade @Sirchristopher10 I'm hoping the senate will reverse it. The US has more freedom than any other country fyi.

    Except for the freedom of internet

  14. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    @MistakeMade @Sirchristopher10 I'm hoping the senate will reverse it. The US has more freedom than any other country fyi.

    Belgium has freedom
    Italy has freedom
    The UK has freedom
    Germany, France, JAPAN have freedom
    And right now New Zealand, Hong Kong and Neterlands are stated to be the countries with the most freedom and if we're talking about economical freedom then Hong Kong and Singapour are leading.
    The USA, isn't Leading the world in anything relevant (from my own point of view).

    (Apart from the number of incarcerated citizens every year, adults that believe that Angels are real, Flat earthers, and spending)

    I don't want to be the triggering spark of a debate on weather the US has the most freedom or not, back to the main theme.

  15. O no guys, the situation isn't getting better

  16. @HaloNest Belgium has freedom
    Italy has freedom
    The UK has freedom
    Germany, France, JAPAN have freedom
    And right now New Zealand, Hong Kong and Neterlands are stated to be the countries with the most freedom and if we're talking about economical freedom then Hong Kong and Singapour are leading.
    The USA, isn't Leading the world in anything.

    (Apart from the number of incarcerated citizens every year, adults that believe that Angels are real, Flat earthers, and spending)

    I don't want to be the triggering spark of a debate on weather the US has the most freedom or not, back to the main theme.

    I like how you say you don't want to trigger a debate on whether the US has the most freedom or not, after you just argued against it using points (bad ones) from a Newsroom video.

    "The USA, isn't Leading the world in anything.

    Apart from the number of incarcerated citizens every year, adults that believe that Angels are real, Flat earthers, and spending)" Ok, bud. The US leads the world in GDPSource 1 ,
    Military Source 2 , Most Foreign aid, Most Generous people Source 3 , Most Billionaires, Most Top Universities, and many more. I didn't discuss freedom I know but It's evident that the US is more free than the rest of the world, if there is a country that you believe is more free be sure to throw it my way I will attempt to show why the US is more free.

  17. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    @MistakeMade I like how you say you don't want to trigger a debate on whether the US has the most freedom or not, after you just argued against it using points (bad ones) from a Newsroom video.

    "The USA, isn't Leading the world in anything.

    Apart from the number of incarcerated citizens every year, adults that believe that Angels are real, Flat earthers, and spending)" Ok, bud. The US leads the world in GDPSource 1 ,
    Military Source 2 , Most Foreign aid, Most Generous people Source 3 , Most Billionaires, Most Top Universities, and many more. I didn't discuss freedom I know but It's evident that the US is more free than the rest of the world, if there is a country that you believe is more free be sure to throw it my way I will attempt to show why the US is more free.

    Then link me where does it say that the US is the country with the most freedom of the world, since you like sources!
    Tumbl pages don't count, neither does your history teacher.
    The US has very little freedom when it comes to important matters and it surrounds you of fake choices, but it's stated that the US is the country with the most freedom.
    Now back to net neutrality if you desire to talk about why America isn't the most free country in the world message me on discord HaloNest#2976 now time to get back to net neutrality

  18. @HaloNest Will do, if you don't believe the US is the most free please point out a country that you believe is the most free. Anyways back on topic. I don't have beef with you HaloNest so please don't take what I said as a way to put you down or anger you.

  19. No way, t'was just a super genuine debate!

    So I haven't read the whole thread but I think since CM is hosted in the US only crafty would have to pay an extra and we all would be fine... I don't really know I haven't informed myself that much

  20. Antarctica is the most free by far. Can't have no net neutrality if there is no internet!

  21. Edited 7 years ago by Sofatroll

    This thread is really going off-topic somewhere, however I cant help myself to throw in my 5 cents before staff locks it down.
    Freedom is pretty subjective. Ofc many aspects can indeed be measured, however it really depends on your personal point of view, on how you value those. One might see great value in economic freedom and therefore prefer the US while someone else might prefer for example the highly developed democracy of them swiss mountsin folks (or their freedom to choose from a million kinds of cheese)
    So this entire freedom discussion is just as stupid as the many "who is the mightiest faction" discussions on here in the past.
    Trying to objectify something that depends that much on personal preferences leads to nothing but pointless debates.

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