
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Apr 7 19:58:25 2016
    RainbowFred posted in VIP + Give Away March.

    Wow thank you :3

  2. Mon Mar 28 19:36:29 2016
    RainbowFred posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    Hahaha awww thanks

  3. Mon Mar 28 17:52:18 2016
    RainbowFred posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    Figured I might as well jump in with a selfie too... So yeah... The mysterious Fred is no longer mysterious.
    (Yes I'm actually a female... For all of you who didnt know yet...)

  4. Mon Mar 28 17:05:17 2016
    RainbowFred started the conversation RainbowFred's Staff Application.

    In Game Name: RainbowFred

    Age: 17

    Time Zone: UTC - 05:00

    Strengths: I am someone who likes to help people, and like to feel useful. I'm also a really patient person, and I am an impartial person. I do what I feel is right, and this weather it pleases the people near me (in the case of the server, it would be friends ) or not. I am also an understanding person, who likes to answer questions. I am also someone who isn't scared to ask questions; this means i wouldn't be scared to ask another staff member's opinion on a situation if i felt I couldn't take an acceptable and fair decision.

    Weaknesses: I can sometimes be too accepting towards people. For example, I'll give as many warnings as possible to someone, telling myself that they might change at one point. Even if I am accepting, my patience still has it's limits, and if someone goes too far, I won't be scared to react and deal with the situation like it should be dealt with. Other weaknesses I have are my language limits. Since I'm originally from a french territory, I might sometimes be looking for a specific word, and make up a very long sentence to replace that said word. I still try my best to be understood by everyone.

    Why you are Applying: I have already been trying my best to help around the server as much as I can... Whenever I go around spawn and see a build that is in a rage of a 1000 blocks, I destroy it and keep going on my way. I also try to help staff whenever I can. Like I said previously, I like helping people, so I try my best to help people in need, whenever I can. I also try to keep chat clean ( moderated cussing, no over uses of caps and try to keep controvertial topics away ...)

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 3 408 291

  5. 9 years ago
    Tue Mar 1 18:54:00 2016
    RainbowFred joined the forum.