
Last active 3 years ago

  1. 3 years ago
    Thu Apr 29 11:19:00 2021
    UltronH started the conversation thetanknight_ ban appeal.

    Hey this is ultronH ( name changed to thetanknight_). I got false banned yet again for using VPN. This is the 2nd time I have been banned like this. I hope you unban me ASAP , because I dont use VPN at all , neither have i ever used it before.

  2. Wed Apr 7 10:57:48 2021
    UltronH started the conversation ultronH ban appeal.

    Username: ultronH
    Reason for ban: Banned for vpn
    Why unban: I was not using VPN. i was using a normal wifi and got instantly banned for vpn as soon as i joined.

  3. Sun Mar 7 08:59:13 2021
    UltronH started the conversation ultronH ban appeal.

    hey , this is ultronH. I was banned for "inappropriate comments" for copy and pasting a swastika , which was intended to be taken lightly as a joke.
    I did not know that I would be banned for a joke yet again. But I will be more carful from now and wont say anything that would that would have me banned from the server , not even a joke.
    Please unban me.
    thank you.

  4. Wed Mar 3 16:23:19 2021
    UltronH started the conversation BAN APPEAL by ultronH.

    Ingame username: ultronH
    Hey , so this is ultronH. I didnt really mean anything by talking about drugs and naming my items as cocaine with an anvil.
    It was meant to be taken as a joke and not seriously. I apologize and wont ever do it again.

    i hopse you look into it and unban me.

  5. Wed Mar 3 16:19:07 2021
    UltronH joined the forum.