
Last active 2 years ago

  1. 2 years ago
    Tue Aug 31 17:24:50 2021
    werdpe posted in selling totems -tsk.

    hi, can i buy 1 shulker box of totems?so yeah let me know in discord ;)

  2. Fri Aug 27 20:17:04 2021
    werdpe started the conversation Werdpes ban apeal.

    Werdpes ban apeal
    Ingame name: werdpe
    Reason for ban: chatfilter spam
    Why i should be unbanned: i dont think i spammed that much, i got kicked out a few times sorry for that i was a little angry on jack, next time ill private chat people more

  3. 3 years ago
    Thu Jul 8 14:19:30 2021
    werdpe started the conversation werdpe's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: werdpe

    Reason for your ban: spam

    Why should you be unbanned: i dont think i spammed that much, was angry at my friend and said a bad word 1 time i wont do it again

  4. Thu Jul 8 13:57:23 2021
    werdpe joined the forum.