
Last active last year

  1. last year
    Mon Oct 10 14:58:40 2022
    sprucebrine started the conversation idk just something about dreamworks movies.

    which is better shrek or kung fu panda (sequels included)



  2. Mon Oct 10 14:54:02 2022
    sprucebrine started the conversation idk just something about dreamworks movies.

    which is better shrek or kung fu panda (sequels included)



  3. 2 years ago
    Fri Jul 8 16:01:12 2022
    sprucebrine posted in Lavacast at Big Dig.

    just passing by the toxic chat here, don't mind me

  4. Sat Jul 2 06:40:08 2022
    sprucebrine posted in Base Tour.

    @JackyBoy__ = )

    you did the smile i call the timmy smile since timmy does it

  5. Sat Jul 2 06:38:59 2022
    sprucebrine posted in how does this forum work.

    you talk i guess? you can also appeal for bans and apply for staff

  6. Sat Jul 2 06:36:50 2022
    sprucebrine posted in I am blocked.

    @CraftyMyner Please do not post on other peoples posts regarding ban appeals.

    I'm sorry CraftyMyner, I will delete my post.

  7. Fri Jul 1 17:41:51 2022
    sprucebrine started the conversation sprucebrine's ban appeal.

    In Game Name: sprucebrine

    Reason for my ban: I tried to type the bee movie script, so I copied and pasted different chunks multiple times. The system read it as spam (Please watch the Caps/Character or Please watch the Spam/send rate)

    Why should I be unbanned: I thought bans were for more serious stuff, like saying slurs or sending death threats and not spam.

  8. Mon Jun 20 12:57:09 2022
    sprucebrine posted in cursed images.

    lol i didn't know i would make a thread

  9. Wed Jun 15 02:17:13 2022


  10. Wed Jun 15 02:15:53 2022
    sprucebrine posted in cursed images.


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