
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Dec 20 19:22:54 2016
    mr_man32 posted in Buying my base.

    ok awesome, should i purchase it now or do i need to wait and talk to crafty or something?

  2. Tue Dec 20 04:40:39 2016
    mr_man32 started the conversation Buying my base.

    If i want to buy my base, does crafty need my coords? my house was set there in that world, also will it be 5 dollars or could it cost more

  3. Fri Oct 7 02:14:43 2016

    u sound mad cuz u arent old enough, but anyways if you are below the age limit we could talk about it and ill consider, i just dont want annoying immature 12 year olds to be part of it cuz most people that age dont take the game as seriously. HOWEVER not every person at around that age is this way

  4. Thu Oct 6 16:46:15 2016

    how did u get banned kickman?

  5. Thu Oct 6 16:38:11 2016
    mr_man32 started the conversation Starting a faction, recruiting people.

    Hello, i have decided to make a faction. I am looking for players who arent noobs, u dont need to be an expert but u cant be a complete noob. I do have my own base however i want to start fresh with the group. This base is planned to be underground. You must have skype to join. If you are interested then please PM me on the forum and we can exchange skype details and then we can discuss whether or not you will be joining and what to do next. If u have questions then ask.

  6. Thu Oct 6 15:24:16 2016

    ill join if we build below ground and i would want everyone to have skype, also we should find a location with a double spawner

  7. Thu Oct 6 13:56:21 2016

    ok great update crafty

  8. Mon Oct 3 07:51:14 2016
    mr_man32 started the conversation banning people.

    So ive been banned a lot on this server and so have many people. I understand that craftymynes has rules and i think most of them are fair. But sometimes i fesl that staff can be a little too harsh on certain things. This isnt just me, i see it happen with other people too. I just feel that there are certain staff member just waiting for you to break a rule so they can cruelly punish you for it. Im sure nearly everyone has broken a rule before but we all make mistakes and a fair warning is ok. There definitely are many times where people are given warnings and it ends there however this is usually only done by lower staff who dont have the power to ban. But what im trying to say is that rules are there to make sure that there is a good server experience. I feel like it should be obvious as to someone who is trying to be malicious and someone else who is just not being as serious but would very easily fix what they did wrong when asked. Im not sure where im going with this thread but, if i break a minor rule that has very little impact cant i get a chance to fix what i did instead of just banning me instantly because what good does that really do. im not hurting anyone and if you let me fix the small mistake i made and move on then you have a better reason to ban me if i make the same mistake next time. Im using an example that happened with me but i see it happen with everyone all the time.

  9. Mon Oct 3 07:36:51 2016
    mr_man32 posted in VIP+ or VIP?.

    u can legit trade a diamond block for 2 crafty coins.. craftycoins go for 2 diamond blocks

  10. Mon Oct 3 04:31:59 2016
    mr_man32 started the conversation mr_man32's ban appeal.

    IGN: mr_man32

    Reason: i made a sexual reference

    why i should be unbanned: i renamed a villager penis face and i was banned. im sorry, please unban me

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