What is the worst, most absolutely toxic person you've had to deal with on the seever? Has a Craftymynes player ever met you in real life?
What is the worst, most absolutely toxic person you've had to deal with on the seever? Has a Craftymynes player ever met you in real life?
@TheDunmerRaven Do you have a preference for said pizzas?
There's this meatlovers one at my workplace, it's pretty good.
@CraftyMyner There's this meatlovers one at my workplace, it's pretty good.
How did you two... meat... :P
When did the 1.8 server open to the public?
@argonFiles What is the worst, most absolutely toxic person you've had to deal with on the seever?
This one time I was hacked, the guy reformatted my server's hard drive, deleted my backups, dumped all my passwords, made some shit up about me and then sent me 700 euros worth of "average joe firefighter" dildos to my door with my own money and he posted on my forum with my own account saying that he would send the swat to me if I ever brought my server back up. I was able to get the server backup and running in less then a day, and get all charges reversed.
@TheSpiderman2013 When did the 1.8 server open to the public?
October 13th, 2014 was the day I posted it to Minecraft Server List
That's both funny and terrifying. Did you see my other question? :)
@argonFiles Has a Craftymynes player ever met you in real life?
I have a few friends who play here, but no one has ever come to meet me :( There was this one guy in my school who when I was showing him the server went, "wait, you can access the command block room?", "umm yeah", "you're CraftyMyner"' "yeah...", "no way, I met CraftyMyner"
@Dench781 Whats your background in IT that allows you to run the server?
I have no training or real IT background, it was all self taught, I have been working on computers and making websites/servers since I was 10, or maybe less.
@CraftyMyner I have no training or real IT background, it was all self taught, I have been working on computers and making websites/servers since I was 10, or maybe less.
Pretty impressive. My last job was in IT, although not server management like this would be so I was in a different portion of the industry. i wouldnt know the 1st thing about running a MC server.
I have the TS3 client basically fully figured out though since I used to own a 50 seat server that was semi busy.
What happened to all the average joe firefighter dildos
@Beedobi they get sent to the people who hack on the server
What happens when other staff enter the command room?
As a mod on a different server (before someone raided me and I raided them back and got banned) I used to fly into the command room only to be teleported to the server spawn with a message, "bitch get the fuck out of here" :P
@_Confederacy_ What happens when other staff enter the command room?
As a mod on a different server (before someone raided me and I raided them back and got banned) I used to fly into the command room only to be teleported to the server spawn with a message, "bitch get the fuck out of here" :P
In 1.8, any player below owner rank would be teleported out with the message "restricted", and whatever staff online would recieved a warning that someone attempted to get in it. In 1.9, you just get teleported out instantly.
@Beedobi What happened to all the average joe firefighter dildos
I was able to call Amazon and get the order reversed, I also got $200 worth of pizza, but I wasn't going to pay for it cause the pizza company is stupid for not calling first
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow.
@Nysic is it an African or European swallow?
What is the best moment you had in the server?
@Cileklim What is the best moment you had in the server?
This one is hard to say, I always love hanging out with folks on the ts, also, it makes my day to see 30 "wb crafty" when I log on.
@CraftyMyner do you actually sleep when I spam you in skype to go to sleep? :P