Are there any secret serverplz commands no one has stumbled upon yet XD
Are there any secret serverplz commands no one has stumbled upon yet XD
@QuietSheep Are there any secret serverplz commands no one has stumbled upon yet XD
Since the AI is based on user input and learns every day, I bet there is something that has yet to be seen at this point, also, I am always adding other fun stuff and facts.
Will the serverplz jokes ever be updated
@Beedobi Will the serverplz jokes ever be updated
If I ever see a really good joke online or come up with something, I add it.
Would you be open to making a serverplz pun?
how did you and the other admins meet (exluding Nysic)
@TheDunmerRaven Would you be open to making a serverplz pun?
ServerPlz is basicly dead, everything is done by the AI now, the jokes also contain puns.
@bladerunner how did you and the other admins meet (exluding Nysic)
Most of us used to play in a faction together on another server.
i remember a while back there was a guy saying that you belonged to a raiding griefing faction on another server is that how by any chance?
@bladerunner i remember a while back there was a guy saying that you belonged to a raiding griefing faction on another server is that how by any chance?
Yes, this is also the same server that I was mod on when I left to make my own server.
do you still play that server?
@bladerunner do you still play that server?
No, I am much too busy to even play on my server, never mind a server I have no friends on.
whats the name of the server i wanna check it out
@bladerunner whats the name of the server i wanna check it out
We don't advertise servers here.
sorry i forgot that
I'm gonna ask a series of random Q's
Whats your favorite color?
What music do you listen to?
How much sleep do you actually get?
Why is there an awkward smiley face in the lower right corner of the bg of the forum?
@Beedobi Whats your favorite color?
I like black if it was a color, but I can settle for blue.
@Beedobi What music do you listen to?
I like electronic music, not really into the house/trap music though.
@Beedobi How much sleep do you actually get?
Well is 5:04 in the morning at time of writing this, on the weekdays I go to bed a little bit earlier cause I know I wont be able to get up in the morning if I stay up.
@Beedobi Why is there an awkward smiley face in the lower right corner of the bg of the forum?
That is the autograph of the person who made this picture, soon to change though.
do you collect anything?
Do you have a favourite species of bird? Or a least favourite?
do you like ram discs?