Leahhx's Ban appeal

  1. 3 years ago
    Edited 3 years ago by leahhx

    Leahhx's Ban appeal
    Ign: Leahhx
    reason for ban: Use of lunar client.
    Why I should be unbanned:

    Due to the use of lunar client i now understand of the reasonings in why i was banned, (as prior to the ban i didn't read the rules).
    I did not expect my use of lunar client to benefit me in anyway in comparison to other players as i had only used it to improve my fps and brightness. I know i cannot prove if i had used minimaps (ect) which i will take full accountability for and ultimately i am sincerly sorry for. I did not intend to use the client in any malicious away or to dis-benifit others. My intentions while playing the server were not meant to change the gameplay of others as i had just wanted to treat the server like single player server (yet making friends along the way). I understand if my appeal is denied and i will not tolerate by staffs opinion whether to unban me or not. However if im abled to return to the server i will not repeat my actions and instead will not use clients.

  2. I appreciate the apology but we take our rules about cheating seriously, good luck wherever you end up

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