About AFK fish farm

  1. 5 months ago
    Edited 5 months ago by Babyje29

    Hello, I want to ask if AFK fish farm is allowable ?

    The rule stated of not using "external programs like auto clicker", but is it breaking the rule if I just placed a heavy object/tape the right button of the mouse ?

    I'm in the assumption of mods not knowing what we do on the other side of the client, so I'll just ask here because it's kinda ambigous situation with the afk fish farm..

  2. If u do F3+t u can then let off ur mouse and it will continue without the use of weights etc. Try it. I use this with a cobble stone generator but I warn u, if u have a cat that likes to play on ur desk when not attended u may destroy ur farm by accident.

  3. Doing things like putting a weight on your mouse or keyboard is fine.

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