outshOtz's discord ban apology

  1. 3 months ago
    Deleted 3 months ago by Tez1010
  2. Edited 3 months ago by Tez1010

    For outshotz

    The reason for your ban was:
    "bringing you and your friends personal vendetta onto the discord server".
    Repeating those accusations as part of your ban appeal nullifies this ban appeal. I suggest you delete the above and try again quoting a reason similar to that which I have just given.

    So for everyone's benefit:

    Minecraft is a fun block game. People come on the server to relax from the real world. All our staff do their jobs voluntarily. Bringing your personal animosity onto any of the three server platforms is making our job very difficult and unnecessarily stressful. I once again repeat:

    You do not have to like all the players on the server but in chat, on discord and on this forum, you need to behave like decent members of the human race.

    Thank you

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