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  1. last week
    Thu Jul 18 14:55:52 2024
    Tez1010 posted in Being banned by Dennari.

    It's quite straight forward. The account StopBanningMe which you are using on this forum, was banned for flying in 2015. and your current account was banned by Dennari for cheating as well.

  2. Sat Jul 13 13:19:30 2024
    Tez1010 posted in YKDDisciple’s Ban Appeal.

    Thank you for your rather interesting ban appeal recognising your earlier behaviour. Since your ban was for chat as a youngster and is buried in prehistory, we will be unbanning you.

    Welcome back, and I look forward to meeting you on the server.

  3. 3 weeks ago
    Sun Jun 30 20:07:27 2024
    Tez1010 posted in Support Your Local Server :).

    Awesome Cell. <3

  4. Sat Jun 29 07:28:45 2024
    Tez1010 posted in Mod Request.

    Crafty has approved this

  5. Sat Jun 29 07:27:37 2024
    Tez1010 posted in Mod Approval Request.

    Crafty has approved this

  6. 4 weeks ago
    Fri Jun 28 04:14:29 2024
    Tez1010 posted in 1.21 and new map.

    It is +/- 150k so 300k x 300k

  7. Tue Jun 25 12:49:28 2024
    Tez1010 posted in Pardon Appeal: ThePhoenix.

    This forum is for CraftyMynes minecraft server - for people that actually play on the server. You have had your say.


  8. Tue Jun 25 10:49:26 2024
    Tez1010 posted in Pardon Appeal: ThePhoenix.

    I'm talking about complaints.

    Everyone has to put their ban appeal in public.

    If they come to me having not done a ban appeal they would be told to do it on the forum.

  9. Tue Jun 25 08:55:35 2024
    Tez1010 started the conversation Sleeping Dragon Competition.

    Closing Date : 15th July 2024

    Well they say you should let sleeping dogs lie but in this case we are talking sleeping dragons and now is your chance to get your creative juices going and have your build added to the nether spawn.

    The brief:
    The portal will be a sword and your dragon will be sleeping around it.
    Set in a cave, your dragon should fit in a structure block 32 by 32 . It should have a name. A scary dragon to fit the nether spawn. The sword is 28 blocks high.

    The rules:
    To be built in survival.
    Post two or three pictures here on the forum and send me the coords in a private message.

    The prize:
    Mainly the honour of showing off your build but we will add a crate of the dragon's treasure.


  10. Tue Jun 25 08:46:49 2024
    Tez1010 posted in Pardon Appeal: ThePhoenix.

    All players are welcome to message Crafty with complaints about their bans or treatment. At the end of the day it is his server and his final ruling.

    I get many players messaging me about their various bans and complaints. In such cases these are always investigated and shared in admin and a collegiate decision made. Where consensus cannot be obtained this is passed to Crafty.

    I do not see how this can be made public.

    We always endeavour to be as fair as possible.

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