Last active [hidden]
What Zabs has said says it all. You will not be unbanned.
The ban stands.
We dont unban hackers.
Obviously this was just the server having a tummy ache. Glad to know you are a good hardworking farmer.
The staff will enjoy the blessing!
All sorted now :D
Obviously this was just the server having a tummy ache. Nice appeal though.
All sorted now :D
Yes i was thinking of someone else. But i did remember your pic from selfies.
This however is not really a discussion thread. More a declaration that we will not put up with their nonsense
I remember you, and your girlfriend at the time.
I see you have only been on the server very briefly. So therefore your comments are based mainly on the forum.
We have had a number of posts whose main intention was entirely to stir up trouble for a particular player from people that haven't played on the server for years.
This one:
this one:
Minecraft is and should be a fun game.
Sadly a number of players don't seem to get that, and have been making life difficult for staff and miserable for other players. As a result of their behavior we have had many regular players go to another server. These players aren't bored with minecraft, they are fed up with the toxic atmosphere that these players have brought to our server.
As a result we have banned a number of players on both the server and discord to give us a break.
They have been making unpleasant references about others under the guise of a joke. Deliberately baiting a player to go over the line to get banned. Harassing staff over recent rule changes. Generally disrespecting staff. Making targeted posts in the forum. Whining to staff and reporting each other.
It really isn't that hard to Be respectful to other players and Practice good chat etiquette
Trying to keep the peace has been hugely stressful for Crafty and the staff. Running this server and moderating it fairly is actually far from easy. We do our best and all the staff give their time and effort for free for the good of everyone.
This behavior has to stop and those of you banned need to either learn to play nicely in this virtual sandbox or go find somewhere else to play.
Just because we allow griefing and raiding does not mean you can come on this server and behave like rude children. Nor does PVP mean you have a god given right to jump in on whoever is in the arenas.
Litematica is allowed and pie ray is not. Get over it.
It is a huge privilege for me to be an admin on this server - I love meeting people from all over the world. I don't enjoy banning anyone. My chat door is always open.
If you are prepared to put your animosity to other players aside and come back then that's great and I look forward to seeing you back on the server.