gotmojoreck's ban appeal

  1. 4 months ago

    In Game Name: gotmojoreck

    Reason for your ban: lavacasting 0,0

    Why should you be unbanned: When I first appealed this ban I argued that the ban was not justified, and I have recently come to realize the error of my ways. I originally thought the ban was for the simple act of casting, which is why I argued that it was unfair. I have come to realize it was the intention behind the cast, not the cast itself. I made the cast to antagonize CommanderCat, which I apologize for. I knew that even being within the confines of the rules, it would upset him, and I did it anyway. I was definitely pushing boundaries, and this is not right. This negative attitude is not what I want to be known for. I was also rude to Tez1010 the administrator when given a staff warning for a vulgar phrase I was using. For this, I also apologize. Tez1010 the admin has been nothing but kind and reasonable, and she deserves to be treated as such. From this point forward I will attempt not to say, or do things that hurt CommanderCat's, or anybody else's feelings. I have learned from my antagonistic ways and commit to being a more positive presence on this server.

  2. Thank you for this appeal, recognizing the issues that triggered your ban.

    As your account has been banned for 2 weeks already, I will pardon the account now.



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