wiping the floor with tsu

  1. 8 years ago


    25 May 2016 Suspended


  2. Beat Tsu as well in 1.8 pvp in a 1v1 with iron kit (same gear from in the tournament team eye crashed)... by a pretty big margin.

  3. outshOtz

    25 May 2016 Suspended

    1v1 me sometime edward?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by edward638

    sure, you seem pretty good in the vid

  5. who????

  6. Lmfao xD i'm dieing GG out

  7. And he says he is the best pvper.tsk tsk. Gg on the kill!

  8. criaotic

    25 May 2016 Suspended

    lmao 1v1 me kiddo. make a "Gnome death compilation"

  9. outshOtz

    25 May 2016 Suspended

    already working on that gnome

  10. criaotic

    25 May 2016 Suspended


  11. tsu

    25 May 2016 Suspended

    alright alright I hadn't pvp'd in a while ok

  12. tsu

    25 May 2016 Suspended

    @edward638 that was a bow based gamemode lmfao I no potted you every time when we actually fought with pots and no bows

  13. @tsu alright alright I hadn't pvp'd in a while ok

    excuses xd

    outshotz rekt you

  14. RIP

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