Edited 8 years ago by Venetorem

Ello, i'm the mod that banned you.

I have no clue what you mean when you say "Yet I was the one who wasn't talking" because it was a back and forth between you and Nysic for nearly 8 minutes. There were plenty of ways you could've handled the situation better, starting at any point. But when a staff member of any rank tells you drop a subject, you drop the subject. you do not question why, you do not push the subject. It is a very simple rule at that, you didn't even have to do anything. All you had to do was be quiet and play the game. You also forgot to mention that I told Nysic and other players to shut up as well, it wasn't just you. You were the one pressing the subject, Nysic and the other shut up, you didn't. That's why they're still playing the game and you are banned.

During which you say

[02:29:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §ndarksaiyan106: but noo you had to call me out

Now then you say that he called you out, that he started it. the first time he even acknowledged you was

[02:22:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §n§4Nysic§r: oh hi Zezima_Zamorak

and the first thing you said about him was

[01:32:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §ndarksaiyan106: is Nysic a admin

(note, a full 50 minutes earlier) followed by

[01:33:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §ndarksaiyan106: so cant he vanish and stalk you while you haxing 9_9
[01:33:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §ndarksaiyan106: Nysic is watching me now
[01:34:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §ndarksaiyan106: i have a feeling nysic is watching me
[01:34:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §ndarksaiyan106: he knows when ur hacking

the conversation only began when you started talking to him again. I highly doubt that you had no intention of starting an argument with staff, Nysic in particular.
Well congratz, you got 12 whole minutes of everyone's time to stand on your soap box. Your next chance will be in 5 days
