Care to share your fab pet?

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago


  3. Edited 7 years ago by Venetorem

    her back is rough, but her belly almost feels like leather

    But the question is Bee, which do you wanna pet first? Raymond or Ryu?

  4. idk bout bee but...
    ryu totally

  5. She has a bone plate instead of teeth. So IF, and i do mean if, she did bit you, it's just like being pinched really hard.

    But one of my neighbors used to date a bull rider, and he was afraid of her

  6. Why not both.........
    can i pet you too

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Venetorem

    you need to ask my girlfriend first... XP

    And i did say "first"

  8. >:v
    dog comes first

  9. Oh yeah bearded dragon

  10. Excellent! I love these animals(except the cats ;))!
    I like the variety on the animals and @Venetorem your lizard is awesome! May i ask on average how long do lizards live? Might buy one sometime lol

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Venetorem

    Beardies can live, on average, up to 15 years in captivity
    They're one o the easiest lizards to start with. they're extremely hardy,
    can go days without food (not an excuse not to feed them)
    They're omnivores, but do NOT feed them citrus or iceberg lettuce
    They should be kept around 70-80 Fahrenheit, but will be fine outside of that
    i could go on for a while...

  12. Lol they sound awesome! I had a pet turtle for a summer once and it was pretty cool.

  13. I'm scared of the claws on those things lol

  14. [deleted]

    3 Jul 2016
    Deleted 7 years ago by CraftyMyner
  15. One o my roommate's cats decided to pose for a picture

  16. Venetorem seems like the type to own a Lizard as a pet :)

  17. Deleted 7 years ago by GibsonAxe
  18. I choose to take that as a compliment because lizards are awesome

  19. Yeah cuz youre a cool guy

  20. Edited 7 years ago by PenguinMytyMJ


    My lovely bananaby (Barnaby)


    This is him 2 months ago :D

  21. Aww

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