so once i found the Forgotten village, it was strange really (@AirBear11) instead of eating normal meat like chicken they eat
Bears and the remaining bear blood were sprayed all over the floor and seemed to (@Blackened_Dawn ) even blacken dawn's light. That was when i met my best friend of my life, he was both a (@iwariiori) a warrior and a (@CraftyMyner ) myner. really, he saved my life. After that we went on a trip to find more food as the surronding jungles were running out. We later stumbled upon an ocean and hopping into an abandoned boat, (@Dannysharks ) we nearly got mauled by a shark but we ate him instead. we dicided to leave the sea after (@TheDunmerRaven ) a raven came to dig out eyeballs out wile shouting caw! now we finlly found a normal vilage and tey ate (@QuietSheep )sheep. There we found a super chill dude,(@2Chill ) in fact he was too chill. that night as he (@CreeperLord170 ) creeped around (@TheSpiderman2013 ) like a spider climbing walls somehow........(pls continue)
this is all i got time to do, plz add on and it doesnt connect well because meh its ment to cennect everyone anyways, still a bunch of people i havent covered.