ssnathan's ban appeal

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by ssnathan

    In Game Name: ssnathan
    Reason for your ban: x-ray
    Why should you be unbanned: I used to play this server a lot. It was one of my favorite servers I've ever played on. Then, I made the stupid decision that many other people made on this server: To use hacks. I then got banned, and I've missed this server ever sense. It;s now a few months later, and I have since decided not to hack on any server anymore. I have turned around on the server I play on now, and am even applying for staff there. I like that server, but sometimes I remember when I used to play on this one. I regret my actions, and will not break the rules again. I've read other ban appeals and posts, so I pretty much know I'm going to be denied, but I figured might as well give it a shot. On one post I saw someone say that most hackers never change, but I'm not one of them. If there's anything I can do, please tell me. Anyway, thanks for reading this, and if I'm denied, then I guess I understand.
    Please consider

    Note: I made this appeal for one other reason as well. I want this to be another example of why you shouldn't hack. IT'S NOT WORTH THE EXTRA DIAMONDS PEOPLE!

  2. The staff member that banned you will reply when they get a chance

    Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played.

  3. @ssnathan

    Sprry for the delay. You appear banned by me on 2016/05/25 19:48:15 to be precise and the reason is, indeed, Xray. Here @ CraftyMynes! we take really seriously any infraction, that's what makes the community that we have now, pure as we can keep it from offenders, like you unfortunately.

    Like Venetorem instated above part of our rules, I caught you cheating and because you accepted the fact you were xraying, this has no further discussion.

    Your Ban appeal is Denied. There are no exceptions.

    Have fun elsewhere and thank you for choosing and recognizing CraftyMynes! as a great server.

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