Horses For Sale.

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    Does anyone have a stables relatively close to spawn where you could buy good quality horses?

    (If not I am planning on building one and will need name ideas and slime for leads and saddles.)

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Laineyyz

    Inb4 rip horse stable. It'll get griefed and horses stolen in no time :P

    If you want to do it why not set it up somewhere safe and post it here in forum, and deliver the horse to people who buy it. Just an idea.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    @Laineyyz fair enough idea i'll do that instead and i can bring the horse somewhere hide it and then give coordinates for the buyer

  4. Make sure to not build within 1K from spawn :)

  5. @Laineyyz i know by the way thanks for the posting the For sale horses here

  6. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    I will post pics of the horses when i find a suitable location and some horses

    p.s. also if anyone has any name ideas for the shop/ranch/stables/farm post the name ideas here.

  7. The goldstalion ranch by @thegoldsmith

  8. @Tweakerzoid The goldstalion ranch by @thegoldsmith

    I second this

  9. you can hire guards from people you trust

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Laineyyz

    Guards can't be online 24/7, and there's no guarantees they can 100% guard the farm from grievers.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by TheForgotten20

    yes but they can guard most of the time and catch grievers
    i recommend myself as guard since im trustworthy
    the main foes of the yard is blackfish_ and teameye and new players stealing from the yard. if someone is cauht the whole army could be assembld quickly due to skelton horses spawning around spawn and anyfoes can quickly be taken down. for payment, some iron will do(diamonds will do too),

  12. you die like all the time @TheForgotten20

  13. ^

  14. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    true but he could also tp in more people to defend the stables and even if that does not work he would be able to forever shame the greifers for destroying a structure that benefits everyone

    (i am using TheForgotten20 as an example i still need to get a good standing location and some sale ready horses first)

  15. Edited 8 years ago by TheForgotten20

    dont worry gold smith
    ive died 230 times already, enough for graveyard
    dying again? no probs
    bt if i dye in service fighting i request for a fortune3 eff4 unb 3 pick to help me get to mining
    i am also on alot and i have alot of powerful friends with secondary sets that im sure are willing to use.
    consider this a job application
    btw i need to keep a constant supply of underground skeleton horses everywhere underspawn so that i know where to get to a horse quickly and arrive at my duty post
    btw spawn has tons of bad quality skeleton horses so no worries

    edited for spelling

  16. I wouldn't say valiantly and learn to spell @TheForgotten20

  17. @TheForgotten20 i will consider you application in due time and don't feel bad all the skeleton horses have a standard speed (twice player running speed) and health. (yes i looked this up)

  18. no some skeleton horses are 25 hearts while others have 5 hearts, also near the saleyards an obstical fenced in area could be used so that the buyer can test their horse for value.

  19. Ok i found a good location there is space, pleanty of horses and good spots to hide them in but theres a base there

    If anyone can tell me who owns it post here and whether they will mind me taking it

  20. ok gold i can help construct the obstacle horse for people to test their horses, i live next to a dark wood forest and i get 32 wood/tree so i can construct it ez

  21. Newer ›

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