The fallen bases

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by orthram

    As we all know there are many bases in this world that no longer have occupants. This thread is dedicated to seeing them remembered. Here are the few I thought to screenshot today:

  2. Deleted 7 years ago by r4iscool1
  3. I'm surprised there were no "MasaruCyri was here." signs xD

  4. erm i think i bought one of those as a reserve base

  5. Do you realize, there is me talking in all of those scrennies.

  6. @Blackfish_ Do you realize, there is me talking in all of those scrennies.

    That shows that you talked too much, fishy. :P

  7. Here's some of the raided bases and strange things I've found on my adventures:


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