All this drama is killing me inside :-:

  1. 9 years ago

    all this crap with red army and outdated info as well as the chips raid is really hurting..constant drama and stress every time I play here isn't what I want..ive been here for a while and want to keep it that way! i cant stand to play on other servers but all of this bs is slowly driving me away from it. just remember that everyone's a person behind that computer interface.

  2. Sigh, that's the exact reason I quit factions. It can be very tense at times of heightened conflicts and bases under threat. My suggestion is to let it go, quit, control yourself or go crazy. I'm not trying to be discouraging or mean, but I faced and similar situations before and I know how it feels.

  3. if that's how you feel then your base isn't safe enough and your rebuilding supplies need replenishing, get mining

  4. thats insensitive mate

  5. It's also more or less tons of constant real life drama and stress as well.

  6. Running a faction full time can be stressful. Just take a break, go play Minecraft like normal and then decided if you want to come back to it.

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