Bedozer's Ban Appeal

  1. 9 years ago

    My ign is: Bedozer
    I got banned for flying
    I think I should be unbanned cause all I was doing was the parkour then I hit a checkpoint and it sad I'm banned for fly hacking like what o.0

  2. Edited 9 years ago by Nysic

    Bedozer, I was the staff member who banned you. From what I saw, you are super good at parkour (not really). It seems you had a bit of trouble reaching the last checkpoint in the parkour, as you fell. Much to my suprise (I wasn't suprised at all) you flew back up to it.

    If you have any other explination for how you did this (please see video) i'd really love to here it.


    P.s All joking aside, you used a modified client on our server in order for you to fly. This ban is permenant and your appeal is denied. Best of luck else where.

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