Sam_Beast's Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    In Game Name: Sam_Beast

    Reason for your ban: Above my home, a sign stated "ass eater squad" as a joke. Just a few moments ago, Venetorem instructed that either I or Geekboy2424 remove the sign. Therefore, I did. However, I replaced it with "analingus squad". Venetorem then said in global chat "since you think this is a joke, you're getting banned" (or something along those lines, my memory isn't as spot on as it used to be).

    Why should you be unbanned: A very small handful of people that will see the sign, most likely Geekboy2424, myself, or a staff member teleporting around will see it. Out of those few people, I highly doubt that they will know the innuendo. Nevertheless, upon being unbanned (I hope), I will remove the sign and replace it with something more appropriate.

    On a side note, I do not believe this is in violation of the rules of the server. It comes close, with "Don’t use excessive or extremely offensive profanity", though this is not "excessive" or "extremely offensive profanity" in my opinion. It could also tie in with "Don’t use inappropriate Names/Skins", but the text on a sign doesn't fall into the category of "name, item name, name tags, nude skins, body part skins, subjective skins, etc." to me. Hopefully this can be resolved.

    Thanks for your consideration,

  2. Ello, im the mod that banned you

    A very small handful of people that will see the sign, most likely Geekboy2424, myself, or a staff member teleporting around will see it. Out of those few people, I highly doubt that they will know the innuendo

    I actually bellieve ALL of those people would get the innuendo. Wanna know why? Because you two wrote it, and staff arent children. I immediately knew the reference, and so did the other staff members when i mentioned it to them

    When i first asked you two to change the sign, and Geekboy immediatley went and broke the sign, i started talking about how nice it was to have someone just do what they were asked to to without questioning staff motives...

    And then Geekboy just changed the wordage, keepinh the same statement

    It doesnt matter the words you used to say [censored]. The signs intent was unchanged.

    My warning of "change it or get banned" should have been warrant enough to change it to an appropriate statement, or just take it down entirely.

    But instead, Sam_Beast came over and changed it to yet another innapropriate phrase

    At this point, i could tell that there was nox getting through your heads to make you take the sign down, so i followed theough with my warning, ane banned you both

    This is both of yours first ban, and therefor is set 24hrs from the time of your appeals (~13:00 UTC-5:00, 9/5)

    When a staff member tell you to do something in the future, i suggest adhearing to those instructions and not trying to find a loophole


  3. Pardoned.


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