1. 9 years ago

    So, I've been wondering when, (If it does), will the server update to Minecraft v. 1.9? Is it going to update or not at all? -Green

  2. Deleted 9 years ago by CraftyMyner
  3. Edited 9 years ago by r4iscool1

    Read this thread.

  4. Thanks!

  5. Edited 9 years ago by FlashFood

    Hype! Complete change-log for the update.

    Until bugs like this ,this ,this , and this are fixed I don't really want the server to update though.

    I really miss cave music too

  6. Well at least 1.9 is good on singleplayer so far

  7. 1.9 singleplayer for me is sooooo laggy x_x

  8. Rip @Chips_The_Gamer

  9. Elytra is bae!

  10. Pssst!


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