Red Army: Perfection

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by sovietsuperman


    With the launch of the New Server soon to take place, I believe it's time to reshape the Red Army into what it was always intended to be. A group of players united together to create, control, destroy, and enjoy this game together.

    New Benefits

    Assuming that there will be villager trades similar to the ones on the old Server, taxes for P4 and god items will be from here forth abandoned. All items will be provided so long as each member of the group is pulling their share. God picks and different block types will be given to builders for free just as God armor and swords will be given to pvpers for free. Everyone will share in the wealth, and insurance for all members and all Items will be provided. Every member is of value to Red Army, and everyone of our members deserve to have their needs met.

    New Bases

    Bases will fall into 4 catagories
    1) Megafarm bases- these will be for technical builders, the entire purpose of these is to acquire emeralds for trade to supply for tools, armor, and weapons. Along with crops, mob loot, gold, and iron will be farmed. Construction will not stop on these bases. They will grow bigger and more profitable so that we can sustain our growing membership.

    2) Wealth bases- These bases will hold any excess wealth such as heads, valuables, beacons, and books containing base coords of non members. Only the highest ranking, most trusted Red Army commanders can be stationed here. They will be in charge of making sure that everyone is getting what they need (PVPer's get their swords&armor, builders get their blocks and picks)

    3) NSBs (near spawn bases)- These bases will be for PVPer's and will range from 1k-15k from spawn. Members here will be spawned close enough to find and destroy anyone they wish and collect the heads and valuables of enemies/non members.

    4) Cities- These special bases will be large projects for builders who enjoy making beautiful sculptures, and will provide housing and comfort to other members, in these bases votes and descions will be made, and libraries will be kept of enchantments and base coord locations.

    VIP/VIP+ for non members

    1 Diamond=2 Gold=3 Emeralds=6 Iron

    Cost- With that being said I will use the diamond as a base for our costs. VIP membership will cost 3 stacks of diamond blocks, and 1 month VIP+ will cost 5 stacks of Diamond blocks.

    Heads & Beacons - Enemy heads will be worth 40 diamond blocks each, other heads and their worth will be negotiable, however when using heads for payment a the heads must belong to different players. Payment using heads can only be used once per player as well. Beacons will also be worth 25 diamond blocks.

    Other Arrangements- Other arrangements may be arranged, however that will require consulting with a high ranking Red Army member.

    VIP/VIP+ for members

    VIP will automatically be given to any member who has been providing their share in our faction and has been a part of the faction for 3 months, VIP+ will be given to loyal members who have been providing their share for 6 months. They can also pay out of pocket using the non-members rules.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by Saderlani

    Greetings comrade! Me & Kitovoe are willing to join red army (or become allies) after 1.9 server is alive. PM me if u need any info about our in game activity.

  3. sounds good to me :)

  4. Oolfa

    2 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Soviet even if I'm not part of ur faction, would u make the vip deal if I offer u 3 stacks diamond blocks. ??

  5. Yes, yes I would.

  6. Payments of diamond blocks will be made on the New Server only though.

  7. Oolfa

    2 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Yea no problem , this deal is just pure business.

  8. Of course, Perhaps we can form an alliance of some kind? If not, I'm going to restrict trade until you give me a reason to.

  9. 8 years ago

    I sort of stumbled into being a part of Base 2 without really knowing anything about this group. I'd love to more formally join and take part in building cities and/or prettying up anything that needs it :)

  10. Will do

  11. You stumbled on base 2? Then that base isn't really secure..

  12. It was an expression, he lived on base 2

  13. Ahh. You still haven't asked me to provide anything to base 2 soviet. Were you ever going to?

  14. i would very much like to join the red army just let me know what i have to do to join

  15. You willbe tp'd to base 3 shortly

  16. -image-
    Top of the kek

  17. 0 effort as usual.

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