Edited 8 years ago by Rotstone

I'm selling...

1. Enchanted books
Protection: III = 4d, IV* = 8d
Feather Falling: III = 3d, IV* = 5d
Resp: III = 3d
Aqua Affinity = 1d
Thorns: II = 2d, III* = 3d
Depth Strider: III = 3d
Frost Walker: I = 4d, II = 8d, II* = 7d
Sharpness: II = 4d, III* = 7d, IV** = 13d, V*** = 25d
Smite: II = 4d, III* = 8d, IV** = 16d, V*** = 32d
Bane of Arthropods: V = 3d
Knockback: II = 2d
Fire Aspect: I = 1d, II = 3d
Looting: III = 3d
Efficiency: III = 4d, IV = 6d, V* = 11d
Silk Touch = 2d
Unbreaking: III = 2d
Fortune: III = 5d
Power: V = 7d
Infinity = 3d
Flame = 2d
Luck of the Sea: III = 3d
Lure: II = 2d, III = 4d, III* = 3d
Mending = 4d (3d if purchasing 3+)

Please note that each asterisk indicates previous work (lower level books combined on anvil to create the resulting book. Multiple asterisks indicate multiple previous works. The more previous works, the lower the diamond cost to you, but a level penalty will be incurred when attempting to use this book on an item.

I am aware that my current price on Sharp V and Efficiency V may be prohibitively expensive. I am working to lower the cost of those books.

2. God gear:

Helmet = 22d
Aqua Affinity, Respiration III, Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Mending

Chestplate = 23d
Thorns III, Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Mending

Leggings = 21d
Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Mending

Boots w/ Depth Strider = 24d
Boots w/ Frost Walker = 29d
Depth Strider III or Frost Walker II, Feather Falling IV, Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Mending

Sword w/o Knockback = 38d
Sword with Knockback = 24d
[Knockback II], Fire Aspect II, Sharpness V, Looting III, Unbreaking III, Mending

(Yes, you read that correctly, with knockback is much cheaper than without - similarly, I can do the same w/ Smite - ask about a quote if interested)

Axe - not currently being offered, but if you're really desperate, I will consider making one for you, especially if it's part of a larger order. Be aware that I need to charge around 40d just to break even given my current prices on efficiency and sharpness.

Bow w/o Punch = 16d
Bow w/ Punch = 19d
[Punch II], Power V, Infinity, Flame, Unbreaking III, Mending

Pick w/ Silk Touch = 18d
Pick w/ Fortune = 22d
[Silk Touch or Fortune III], Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending

Shovel = 17d
Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending
(If you wish to add Silk Touch or Fortune, add 1d or 5d, respectively)

Rod w/ Luck = 8d
Rod w/ Lure = 9d
[Luck of the Sea III or Lure III], Unbreaking III, Mending

You can get both Luck and Lure on a rod, but I wouldn't recommend it.

These items take some time to create, so please take this into consideration when placing your order

3. Horse saddles (unlimited) and armor (while supplies last)

  • saddles = 1d
  • armor prices vary based on type and supply

4. Name tags (3d)

My prices will be quoted in diamonds. However, I currently accept diamonds (d), emeralds (e), iron (i), and gold (g) as payment. Conversion rates are based on the trading post villagers' diamond trade. So...

8e = 1d
1i = 1e
5g = 6e

For gold, I round up to the nearest denomination of 5g. So for instance, if the cost is 2d, this would be 16e or 13.33g, which would be rounded to 15g. If you have questions about this please ask, but in general it is cheapest for you to convert gold on your own.

For a very limited time, I am accepting jungle saplings (sap) as payment at the rate of 1sap = 1d. This is basically a one time offer, as I will obviously not need more than 1 with any luck, but I will take up to 4 from the first person to offer this as payment.

Also, for the time being I will accept slime blocks (sb) as payment at a rate of 1sb = 1d. Please note that is slime blocks, not slime balls.

I currently do not check the forums too often, but I suppose I will be more active on here now that I'm running a shop. Please do not assume your order has been received simply by leaving it in this thread. I will confirm with you either in game or on here once I have begun working on your order. In game I'm often afk, so please just try again if I do not respond in a timely fashion.

Thank you and I look forward to doing business with you :)