Spawn was super much fun today!

First Baron jailed a guy. Because he had a bad name =3
Here, my worst picture ever, with the guy (PabloEscobar69) not even in it! xD

Then he released him again. Because you don’t go to jail for a bad name =3
But everyone still hit him, and we chased him all around spawn! xD

And then, after Baron jailed another player, he turned into a spooky pumpkin who threw snow at us! =o

And he’s magical! And when we hit him too much, he made us all fall down from the sky! xD

Then we had someone new to chaase! \^-^/

And then we battled his giant zombies! =D

Mysterious black box! :o

Mysterious black box, fiiilled with buunniiees! \^-^/ <3

Bunny explosion \^-^/ (and ugly interface too =3)

Then everyone battled the bunnies =/ And look, Thabuhm has a bunny on his face! xD

Then the bunny hunt was over and who had the most hides won. I had no bunny hides. Because I like bunnies =)