The possible rise of Harvestar

  1. 9 years ago

    With the assimilation of Red army, I would think that some people are now faction-less. If I started a faction however, would people join? Its just an Idea right now.

  2. If I do make a faction, it would be more like a building guild

  3. [deleted]

    7 Mar 2016

    so you just quit the red army... lol why

  4. Edited 9 years ago by BoneChi11er

    meh, just cause. was getting tired of waiting for tp to come up. besides, I was not an official member yet. just an ally

  5. exciting! allied with me or not?

  6. What would be the mission of the faction?

  7. @pixelchief What would be the mission of the faction?

    Damn it! I was just about to ask..

  8. "building guild"

  9. @argonFiles "building guild"

    Not very clear to purpose however.. Would like more clarification :P

  10. @StaticSword Not very clear to purpose however.. Would like more clarification :P

    well oceania is basically that but non-hostile and has morals and stuff, idk what he really means

  11. @argonFiles well oceania is basically that but non-hostile and has morals and stuff, idk what he really means

    Morals :o Whhhy!?!? That word is like a taboo.

  12. @StaticSword Morals :o Whhhy!?!? That word is like a taboo.

    how so?

  13. @argonFiles how so?

    Not a clue, Although if you had morsels things would be much more fun!

  14. @StaticSword Not a clue, Although if you had morsels things would be much more fun!

    How can it be a taboo if there's no reason for it?

  15. Deleted 9 years ago by Nysic
  16. Are these factions just focused on Pvp and making a big name for themselves because I don't see a lot of talk about it in chat unless it's Pvp related

  17. not oceania :P

  18. I'm strictly Pve it would be fun to be in a guild or faction that does a lot of Pve or just do both and Ill be on the Pve side of the faction

  19. @Nejie I'm strictly Pve it would be fun to be in a guild or faction that does a lot of Pve or just do both and Ill be on the Pve side of the faction

    What if you joined a faction that built underground mazes and the like that are then filled with mobs? (That could be awesome :P)

  20. So I decided to make this a thing and actually start a faction. The main focus of the faction is to build in peace, without greifing. Pvp is not the focus, though an arena is planned to be built. Ill post more when the actual town center is set up, at least I have the location.

  21. Newer ›

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