Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner
Hi Crafty,
I've got a second location nearby I'm wanting as well.
3 chunk radius plus the chunk those coordinates sit on (so a 7x7 chunk area)
Hi Crafty,
I've got a second location nearby I'm wanting as well.
3 chunk radius plus the chunk those coordinates sit on (so a 7x7 chunk area)
might wanna PM crafty about that before someone runs over and griefs it. Also delete your coords
Heh thanks. I'm multi-tasking unsuccessfully here.
You know it's for SP, right?
@Captain_Mitchell You know it's for SP, right?
I put many ticks into the base. Although I like the idea of the reset, I'd hate to see it go poof completely if there's an option to keep it.
I doubt it.