TheBlizWiz Ban Appeal

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by TheBlizWiz

    We had a lag spike, and I decided to mess around and start spamming variations of 'asdf' over and over again

    I would put a dumb excuse to try and sound smart, but that isn't going to help anything. Whining does nothing unless a solution is made.

    In the mean time, I will go do something productive and contemplate my actions.

    I apologize both for spamming the chat quickly and for likely making the lag spike worse.

  2. You were auto banned for spam. Since this is not the first time you have been banned, you will be pardoned in 3 days. Please take this time to review the rules and have a think about what you have done.

    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> dun DUN Dun de dun dun dun de dun DUN
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> as
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> sd
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> fs
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> asdf
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> df
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> fa
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> asd
    [22:11:34] <TheBlizWiz> df

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