This thread is meant to tell people of how this sub-faction works and how we recruit


We have 3 current bases. A main village where we do most of our work. A remote base only accessible by me used as a backup base. And a vault, where we store and sort our rare items.


At the time of me writing this, these are the current members and their ranks:
Leader: @joeyhockey
Assistant: @misterkickman
Members: @TheBlizWiz and @CrimsonWing


This is a "sub-faction" and by that I mean you can be in any other faction, and still be part of Otherworld. Currently recruitment will be simple. First, we ask trusted friends to be allies and once fully trust them, allow them into the faction. Note we do not want to be some contender for the best faction, just a group of friends that can have others to trust and rely on. If you are interested in joining, message me on the forums and expect 3ish days to get a response. There is no fee of being an ally, but members will be asked to do some tasks to help the village (i.e. Harvesting 4 stacks of wood for a construction project, nothing hard).