Language Ban Mistake

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello, long story short, someone in chat said they're a grammar nazi, so I used it as a joking (and cringey) play on words and said "I'm a Nazi Grammar, (their name don't remember, Xeno-something)", in response. I understand why the language ban happened, but was hoping the ban could be lifted. Obviously I won't be doing that again. Lol

  2. Time: 2016-12-12 14:58:02
    Server: vanilla
    Player: xBladeM6x
    Reason: Language

    Language (Kicked) ---------> [2016-12-12 23:56:51] <xBladeM6x> I'm Nazi Grammar.
    Language (Banned) ---------> [2016-12-12 23:58:03] <xBladeM6x> I'm a Nazi Grammar, Xenomode_. :P

    Please don't do this again, you have been unbanned.

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