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MineCo. Making it easier to survive!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by _Haxington_

    @Tez1010 Will buy as much iron as you can supply. In ore form fine.

    I will be available to supply the iron should Ealdwine_Drasax be offline today.

    I will be on later in the day.

  2. @TheSpiderman2013 I would like to purchase a double chest of stone

    I will be on in about two and a half hours if everything goes as planned...

  3. @Tez1010 hi @_Haxington_ when will you next be on? Still after that iron :)

    @Tez1010 hi @_Haxington_ when will you next be on? Still after that iron :)

    I was on yesterday around 7ish but I did not find you. When will you be on today?