A minigame similar to the PVP arena, but 4 player.

  1. 8 years ago

    The premise of the game is "Knock everyone else off the platform into the lava." Once four players step onto some pressure plates a countdown starts and everyone gets TP'd to a corner of a square platform above lava with a wall around it and a gap in between so that players can fall into the lava but not out of the game. Everyone receives a cactus with the stats "Sharpness -2, Knockback (insert number based on how big the platform is). KB 2 seems to work best. If you hit the lava you don't die, just teleport out of the game.

    I built a prototype of it but it isn't great. Take from this post what you will.

  2. -image-

  3. its basically king of the ring?

  4. @iiTzzJojooo its basically king of the ring?

    it's more "stay alive and kill everyone else" but KotH would be a cool idea for that too!

  5. uhm

  6. @Flowerly uhm

    Speak up! :P

  7. I like this idea, its like spleef but easier to clean up and manage :) Good thinking Argon.

  8. Cool

  9. can you explain why you like it? i want some feedback

  10. @argonFiles can you explain why you like it? i want some feedback

    It's a minigame. I like minigames. IDK.

  11. My only concern with this mini game is the lava itself. I feel that if the game lag and causes you to die by lava, it will cause some uproar. can't you switch it out with water?

  12. yeah bone you have me there, the lavas merely a placeholder

  13. i don't exactly know how it could be implemented though, it's really up to the admins to decide

  14. A minigame to surpass metalgear???

  15. Anything would surpass metalgear

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